Hearing a cancer diagnosis is a life-altering and emotional time. A million thoughts race through your mind about treatments, life, death, your family, your friends, your job, and more. Although nothing can completely eliminate the stress of dealing with a cancer diagnosis and treatment, the tips given in this article will help to ease the process.
Avoid the consumption of sugar to prevent the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells feed on sugar, and eliminating it from the diet can sometimes starve the cancer cells. This method is not a substitute for your regular treatments, but it is a healthy choice for maintaining good nutrition as you fight cancer.
When you have cancer, it affects everyone in your life, especially those closest to you. You should be checking in with your doctor regularly, as new ways to treat and even cure cancers are always being developed.
Detecting cancer at the earliest possible stage is key when it comes to beating cancer. Schedule regular appointments for screenings, so that you can catch cancer cells before you start to have symptoms. Monthly self exams can be an effective way to detect any early signs of breast cancer or testicular cancer.
Besides being a great way to have energy for your everyday life, an effective exercise routine, maintaining your ideal weight and eating a nutritious diet will also help to prevent cancer. Do the usual things, including eating fruits and vegetables, drinking eight glasses of water per day, and exercising 30 minutes per day, five days per week.
Prepare yourself for all the physical changes that may take place as you receive cancer treatment. Your doctor or oncologist will educate you on what treatment options are available to you and what side effects they may have. If you are worried about perhaps losing your hair or getting a pale complexion, consider buying a wig and some new makeup in advance.
Don't be afraid if you have to have a screening for breast cancer. The discomfort lasts for only a few minutes. The end result may be that cancer is caught in time to save both your life and your breasts. Don't let fear stand in the way of a screening.
Wild Salmon
Most people are aware that fish, such as wild salmon, is a healthy food choice. However, are you aware that salmon is packed with healthy omega-3 fatty acids? These properties have been linked to cancer prevention. You can combat cancerous cells within your body by having wild salmon a couple of times each week.
After being diagnosed with cancer you'll have to become open with people you've just met. Examples include chemo technicians, oncology nurses, oncologists and anyone else who can relate to your experience and provide support. You need people to support you through this fight, and you should do your best to establish good relationships.
It is crucial that you continue to always fight your cancer with all you have. Remember what you are fighting for - your life. Never accept less than a victory when fighting cancer, and you might be surprised by how much your resilience affects and aids your battle.
You need to adopt a positive attitude and fight cancer actively, rather than letting your doctor work for you. Avoid taking yourself away from the situation. Sitting still and not actively participating will not help your health improve.
Don't continue seeing a doctor who doesn't openly communicate with you. Some questions just can't wait for an answer. You always need your concerns addressed immediately.
Familiarize yourself with cancer symptoms, and know the risk factors. If you are able to identify when you could be at risk, you can read these signs and symptoms much better.
Make sure that you take the adequate amounts of vitamin E every day. Maintaining the proper levels of vitamin E has been helpful in reducing the risk of cancer for both women and men. Plenty of foods contain enough vitamin E for you to get your daily dosage.
Consider joining a support group for people with cancer. Regardless of how long you've lived with your diagnosis, you can get extra support and help. You can talk to other sufferers about how you can physically and mentally cope with this disease. You can usually take family members with you to this group as well.
If you have a family member suffering from cancer, make it a point not to let their disease become a factor in how you treat them. A person with cancer needs positive energy from their family and friends. They often feel down and bad about things, so good energy is beneficial.
As you see, there are numerous ways where you can decrease your stress, and reduce your fears about your cancer diagnosis. Even though no miraculous cure-all exists for cancer, there are many steps that can be taken to ease the process of dealing with it. The tips and hints in this article, along with a day-by-day approach, can help you find the strength to win your battle against cancer.